Residential Rooftop Solar Policy 2024 in West Bengal: A Comprehensive Guide

West Bengal released its forward-looking Rooftop Solar Policy in 2024 aimed at accelerating the adoption of solar photovoltaic systems in the residential sector. This comprehensive policy provides a range of incentives, subsidies, and initiatives to encourage homeowners to go solar.

Introduction to West Bengal’s Rooftop Solar Policy

The West Bengal government recognizes the immense potential of rooftop solar energy to meet the state’s rising power demand sustainably. To accelerate rooftop solar adoption in the residential sector, the state has launched a progressive new Rooftop Solar Policy in 2024.

Residential Rooftop Solar Policy

The key objectives of West Bengal’s residential rooftop solar policy are:

  • Promote the generation of green and clean solar electricity across households
  • Reduce reliance on fossil-fuel-based power generation
  • Make rooftop solar a financially viable alternative for homeowners
  • Support the government’s renewable energy and carbon reduction targets
  • Boost local economic development and create “green” jobs
  • Empower homeowners to become prosumers (producers + consumers) of energy
  • Enhance energy security by diversifying supply and using local renewables

The policy aims to transform unused residential rooftops into platforms for clean energy generation through solar PV systems. This will benefit homeowners, the grid infrastructure, the environment and support West Bengal’s sustainable growth.

Also Read – National Portal for Rooftop Solar par Poora Guide

Rooftop Solar Installation Targets

The West Bengal government has set an ambitious target for rooftop solar installations under its 2024 policy. Key residential rooftop solar targets include:

Source – The Economics Times
  • 250 MW of rooftop solar to be installed across homes by 2025
  • 800 MW by 2030
  • Continued 20% year-on-year growth from 2030 onwards

These targets will require extensive participation from residential consumers to adopt rooftop solar. The various incentives and subsidy schemes introduced under the policy will help drive this rooftop solar boom.

Reaching these installation figures will allow residential solar to contribute significantly in meeting West Bengal’s overall renewable energy goals.

Net and Gross Metering Framework

Source – Thermax

The 2024 policy outlines West Bengal’s updated framework regarding net metering and gross metering regulations for residential consumers installing rooftop solar PV.

Net metering allows the bidirectional flow of electricity between the home solar system and the grid. Surplus solar power is exported back to the grid, adjusting the consumer’s next bill.

Gross metering measures only the one-way flow of solar power to the grid, with exported units paid by DISCOM at a fixed tariff.

West Bengal’s policy mandates that residential systems up to 10 kW must follow net metering guidelines. Gross metering is applicable for systems above 10 kW capacity. This ensures fair rooftop solar adoption for all homeowners.

The policy also sets out specific technical standards and wiring regulations for the net metering interface of grid-tied rooftop solar systems.

Subsidies and Financial Incentives

The key driver encouraging WB homeowners to install rooftop solar PV is the range of subsidies and financial incentives offered under the 2024 policy:

Capital Cost Subsidy:

  • 30% subsidy on project capital costs for systems up to 3 kW
  • 20% subsidy for systems above 3 kW and up to 10 kW

Subsidized Loans:

  • Loans offered at subsidized interest rates of 5% for amounts up to Rs. 10 lakh
  • Offered through partner banks and financial institutions

Performance-linked Incentives:

  • Additional Rs. 2 per kWh incentive for surplus solar units exported to the grid
  • Capped at 30% of system cost and payable over 5 years

By reducing purchase and financing costs, while offering added income from generated power, the aim is to boost returns on investment for residential solar projects.

Capital Cost Subsidy Details

One of the cornerstones of West Bengal’s rooftop solar policy is the capital cost subsidy offered to homeowners. This significantly reduces the upfront costs of purchasing and installing a new solar PV system.

The key details for the capital cost subsidy are:

  • Set at 30% of project capital expenditure for systems up to 3 kW
  • Subsidy reduces to 20% for system sizes above 3 kW and up to 10 kW
  • The subsidy amount will be released to the homeowner via direct benefit transfer post-installation
  • Homeowners must use empaneled vendors approved by the program
  • Capital costs include solar panel equipment, inverter, and balance of system costs

Reducing initial purchase costs by 20-30% will make rooftop solar affordable for more homeowners across income levels. This enables wider solar adoption to meet the state’s ambitious targets.

Subsidized Interest Rates on Loans

As an added financial incentive, the 2024 policy introduces subsidized interest rates of 5% on loans for residential solar systems.

Key details regarding the subsidized loans include:

  • Offered for loan amounts up to Rs. 10 lakh
  • 5-year loan tenure offered
  • Limited to loans for new rooftop solar installations only
  • Offered through banks and non-banking financial companies (NBFCs) partnered with the state
  • Interest subsidies are reimbursed to lending agencies via direct benefit transfer
  • Streamlined loan application process for solar loans

The reduced interest rate makes financing of rooftop solar projects much more economical. This further eases the transition to solar for homeowners across West Bengal.

Grid Connectivity Framework

The 2024 policy also streamlines the framework for connecting residential rooftop solar systems to West Bengal’s grid infrastructure.

Key connectivity guidelines include:

  • Online integrated portal for applying for grid connection
  • Deemed approval if no deficiency found within 15 days
  • Standardized technical and wiring regulations for grid-tied solar systems
  • Mandatory net metering for systems up to 10 kW capacity
  • Dedicated solar feeders to manage variable power flows
  • Grid upgrade costs to be borne by the state’s Rooftop Solar Program
  • Safety standards specified by the Central Electricity Authority (CEA)
  • Model principals for power purchase agreements of surplus solar power by DISCOMs

By facilitating the interconnection process, it becomes simpler for homeowners to integrate their solar power generation with the state’s electrical grid. This is essential for unlocking West Bengal’s immense rooftop solar potential.

Safety and Performance Standards

To ensure the quality and safety of residential solar installations, West Bengal’s policy mandates certain standards for rooftop solar systems.

Key standards include:

  • Solar PV modules must meet IEC 61215 quality standards
  • Inverters certified to IEC 6210 standards for grid connection
  • Installers must have training credentials from approved institutes
  • Structural safety audit required for rooftops above 100 sqm.
  • Systems must protect against DC leakage currents
  • A workmanship warranty of 5 years is compulsory
  • Provision for remote monitoring of system performance

Adhering to these standards ensures rooftop solar delivers efficiency, safety, and reliability for residential consumers across the state.

Implementation Plan and Timelines

To roll out the rooftop solar policy, West Bengal will follow a phased implementation plan with clear timelines:


  • Policy finalization and notification
  • Setting up implementation units and IT infrastructure
  • Tying up financing partners


  • Onboarding of vendors and installers
  • Consumer awareness campaigns
  • Portal for online applications and submissions


  • Phased rollout of capital subsidies and loans
  • Priority subsidies for LMI households
  • Target 250 MW installed over 2 years


  • Continued capacity additions to meet the 800 MW target
  • Review and refinement of incentives
  • Move towards solar mandates on new constructions

The phased roadmap will ensure the systematic adoption of rooftop solar across homes over the policy’s duration. The 2024-2025 period will be key for meeting near-term targets and establishing residential solar at scale.

Application Process and Documentation

The West Bengal government will provide a streamlined process for homeowners to avail of the incentives and adopt rooftop solar under the policy.

Key steps in the application process include:

  • Apply on the state program portal with installation details
  • Upload documents – ID proof, residence proof, electricity bill, roof ownership
  • Get a quote from an empaneled solar vendor/installer for a turnkey solution
  • Sign the agreement and make an upfront payment for a non-subsidy portion
  • Post installation, submit completion report, and pass safety checks
  • Receive capital subsidy directly to bank account via DBT
  • Apply for grid-connection and net-metering through portal
  • Submit loan application to avail of subsidized financing if required

The required documents are minimal to reduce application friction. Homeowners must use vendors approved under the program to avail the generation-based incentives.

The aim is to digitize the entire application process for transparency and faster implementation. Online tools will make it simpler for households across West Bengal to transition to rooftop solar.

Monitoring Mechanisms

The West Bengal Renewable Energy Department will institute monitoring mechanisms to track implementation of the rooftop solar policy:

  • An integrated IT platform and mobile app for real-time monitoring of applications, installations and generation
  • Periodic third party audits of installations to check performance and safety standards
  • DISCOMs to provide monthly meter readings for net-metered rooftop solar systems
  • Remote monitoring hardware mandated on larger systems above 10 kW
  • Consumers to submit annual maintenance reports to ensure quality over system lifetime
  • Monitoring of subsidy disbursements and financing partner adherence to policy terms
  • Grievance redressal system to address consumer complaints and concerns

Robust monitoring ensures quality implementation, identifies issues, and maintains high consumer satisfaction. This drives faster adoption to achieve West Bengal’s rooftop solar targets.

Decommissioning processes

The 2024 policy also outlines decommissioning processes for residential solar systems:

  • Consumers must notify DISCOM prior to any system modifications or removal
  • Safety checks must be conducted prior to decommissioning
  • Systems must be dismantled using authorized waste handlers as per e-waste regulations
  • Inventory report of dismantled system components to be filed
  • Net and gross metering agreements will be terminated after decommissioning

Proper decommissioning guidelines are important for managing old solar equipment and protecting the grid infrastructure when systems are non-operational.

Benefits for Residential Consumers

Installing rooftop solar under this policy will offer hom0eowners a range of benefits:

  • Lower electricity bills by meeting up to 90% of internal loads
  • Lock in low solar power rates for system lifetime
  • Additional income from exporting surplus solar to the grid
  • Improved reliability by reducing dependence on grid supply
  • Enhanced energy security through local clean energy generation
  • Achieve returns of 15-20% post incentives and accelerated depreciation
  • Added property value by installing rooftop solar PV
  • Intangible satisfaction from adopting green technology

With incentives enhancing financial viability along with the other advantages solar offers, West Bengal homeowners have compelling reasons to embrace rooftop solar.

Challenges and Limitations

While comprehensive in its coverage, West Bengal’s 2024 solar policy still has some limitations:

  • High upfront costs could deter adoption despite subsidies
  • Limited technical support infrastructure outside urban centers
  • Lack of solar mandates on residential buildings and housing complexes
  • Security concerns of installing solar on rooftops in crowded areas
  • Constrained financial ability of state to sustain high subsidies long term
  • DISCOM reluctance for net-metering due to grid management challenges
  • Low electricity tariffs reducing solar cost savings attractiveness

Addressing these barriers will be important to translate the policy into on-ground results at scale. The subsidies and incentives aim to overcome the initial economic constraints.

Future Scope of the Policy

West Bengal’s 2024 rooftop solar policy sets the foundation for long term growth of residential solar adoption. Going forward, additions and enhancements to the policy could include:

  • Expanding subsidies and incentives to commercial rooftop solar systems
  • Integrating storage solutions to maximize self-consumption
  • Allowing peer-to-peer solar power trading on virtual net metering
  • Progressing towards zero export models from net metering
  • Introducing solar Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) to enhance viability
  • Widening carbon market integration to monetize rooftop solar
  • Incentivizing DISCOMs for rooftop solar power purchases
  • Tightening building codes and mandates towards solar rooftop obligations
  • Linking beneficiary targeting to social welfare delivery mechanisms

The policy signals the intent to make West Bengal a leader in rooftop solar adoption. Continued ambition in policy and implementation will help unlock the full potential of residential solar power.

Also Read – Solar Panel Subsidy in Bihar


The West Bengal Rooftop Solar Policy 2024 provides progressive measures and incentives to drive adoption of solar rooftops across homes in the state.

Attractive capital subsidies, low-cost financing and added solar benefits will encourage more homeowners to embrace solar PV systems. This supports the government’s ambitious target of adding 800 MW of residential rooftop solar by 2030.

Simplified regulations, quality standards, subsidies and monitoring mechanisms will be key to rolling out residential solar at scale. By tapping into abundant under-utilized rooftop spaces, this policy aims to propel West Bengal as a leader in decentralized clean power for the 21st century.

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