How much does it cost to charge a Tesla at home?

One of the biggest advantages of owning an electric car like a Tesla is the savings on fuel costs. Charging an electric car at home is significantly cheaper than filling up a gas tank. In this article, we will look at the cost of charging a Tesla at home, including the different factors that impact charging costs and how much you can expect to spend on electricity.

What Factors Affect Tesla Charging Costs?

Several factors can impact the cost of charging a Tesla at home. These include:

  • Electricity Rate: The cost of electricity varies depending on where you live and the time of day you charge your Tesla. Some utility companies offer discount rates for charging during off-peak hours.
  • Charging Speed: The speed at which you charge your Tesla can impact the charging costs. Faster charging speeds may be more expensive.
  • Battery Capacity: The size of your Tesla’s battery can impact charging costs. The larger the battery, the more energy it will require to charge.
  • Location: Electricity prices vary depending on your location and electricity provider. Typically, areas with higher electricity prices will have higher charging costs.
  • Time of Day: Electricity rates can also vary based on the time of day. Many electricity providers offer lower rates during non-peak hours, making it cheaper to charge during these times.
  • Tesla Model: The cost of charging a Tesla can depend on the specific model you own. Models with larger battery capacities will require more energy to recharge fully, resulting in higher charging costs.

Types of Chargers

How much does it cost to charge a Tesla at home

There are two main types of chargers for Tesla vehicles: Level 1 and Level 2. A Level 1 charger uses a standard 120-volt outlet and can take up to 24 hours to fully charge a Tesla. A Level 2 charger requires a 240-volt outlet and can charge a Tesla significantly faster, typically in 7-10 hours.

How Much Does It Cost to Charge a Tesla with a Level 1 Charger?

Assuming an average electricity rate of 8.60 for a full charge. This is based on a Model S with a 75 kWh battery and an average range of 250 miles per charge.

How Much Does It Cost to Charge a Tesla with a Level 2 Charger?

The cost of charging a Tesla with a Level 2 charger depends on several factors, including the battery size, electricity rate, and charging speed. Here is an estimate of the charging cost for a Model S with a 75 kWh battery and an average range of 250 miles per charge:

Charging SpeedCharging Cost
30 amp (7 kW) charger$5.50
40 amp (9.6 kW) charger$4.13
50 amp (12 kW) charger$3.50

Assuming an electricity rate of $0.13 per kWh, the charging cost for a full charge on a Tesla Model S with a 75 kWh battery would be:

  • 30 amp charger: $34.13
  • 40 amp charger: $30.34
  • 50 amp charger: $28.75

Here is a table to help calculate the cost of charging different Tesla models for Level 2 charging:

Also read: How long does it take to fully charge a Tesla?

Tesla ModelBattery Size (kWh)Cost Per Charge (based on $0.13/kWh)
Model S100$13
Model S75$10
Model 375$10
Model 360$8
Model X100$13
Model X75$10
Model Y75$10
Model Y60$8

Tips for Reducing Tesla Charging Costs

There are several ways to reduce the cost of charging a Tesla at home:

  • Charge during off-peak hours: Some utility companies offer discounted rates for charging during off-peak hours, such as overnight or on weekends.
  • Install solar panels: Generating your own electricity with solar panels can significantly reduce charging costs and eliminate your reliance on utility companies.
  • Reduce your driving speed: Driving at high speeds or aggressively can reduce your Tesla’s range and increase the frequency at which you need to charge. Keeping your driving to the speed limit and accelerating smoothly can save you money on charging.
  • Maximize regenerative braking: Tesla’s regenerative braking system captures energy that would typically be lost during braking and converts it into electricity that can be stored in the battery. Maximizing regenerative braking can help reduce the frequency of charging and save on charging costs.


Charging a Tesla at home is the most cost-effective and convenient way to charge your electric vehicle. The cost of charging a Tesla can vary depending on the model and charging method, but on average, it costs around $0.11 per kWh for level 2 charging.

When charging at a public charging station, the cost can also vary depending on the location and charging method. Supercharging can be a more expensive option, but it provides much faster charging speeds for long-distance travel.

In general, Tesla’s charging options provide affordable and practical solutions for charging your electric vehicle. By utilizing home charging and taking advantage of public charging options strategically, you can save money on fuel costs while enjoying the benefits of driving an eco-friendly electric car.

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